When reporting an incident on xCenta, depending on the injury you have selected and whether the individual has a return date or not, the system will tell you whether or not the incident is RIDDOR reportable.
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section.
If the Incident is a RIDDOR Reportable incident under the 'RIDDOR' column there will be a 'Requires Submission' button that you will need to click.
You will then be displayed with the F2508 RIDDOR form. Once you first open the form at the bottom of the page there will be a Submit button, but once you start filling the form in it will change to a Save button. Wheyou have filled the full form and are happy with what you have entered, click Save.
Once you have clicked the Save button it will save what you have entered onto the form and will give you the option to Submit the RIDDOR form to the HSE, by replacing the Save with Submit.
When you have clicked Submit, the form will go off to the HSE and the xCenta Support Team will receive a confirmation email with a RIDDOR Reference number on which we will then forward this onto the individual who has logged the incident on xCenta.