
How do I access a form within the incident module?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section. A new page will appear. Click on the relevant incident.  A new d...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 2:12 PM
I can see days and lost hours on the main incident page how do I put them into these columns?
From the main incident page, click on the  icon. A pop up will appear, click on the Further Information tab. Enter the relevant Days and Hours ...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 2:14 PM
How do I create an Incident?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the 'Incidents' icon in the Modules section. A new page will appear. Click on 'Create New Incide...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 2:53 PM
I have tried submitting a RIDDOR reportable incident, but it doesn't work?
Currently the submission of the F2508 form for RIDDOR reportable incidents on xCenta doesn't function correctly due to the HSE changing their submission...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 2:56 PM
How do I edit an incident?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section. A new window will appear. Click on the  icon for the incident you wi...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 2:58 PM
How do I add a form to an incident?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section. A new window will appear. Click on the incident you wish to add a...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 3:00 PM
I have changed the incident status and I can't find the incident, what do I do?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section. A new window will appear. Either tick the box for All or tick the ...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 3:02 PM
How do I edit an injury on the injury picker that has already been created?
From the xCenta Dashboard, click on the Incidents icon in the Modules section. A new page will appear, click on the  icon on the relevant Incident....
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 3:10 PM
How to Report RIDDOR
When reporting an incident on xCenta, depending on the injury you have selected and whether the individual has a return date or not, the system will tell yo...
Fri, 25 Sep, 2020 at 4:19 PM